Have You Just Had A Storm In Your Area? Steps To Follow To Ensure Your Air Conditioner Is Safe After The Storm
Storms can wreck havoc on HVAC and air conditioning units. Flying debris can dent or ding the unit, flood waters can damage electrical wiring and mold can develop on the filters. If a major storm has blown through your air, here are a few tips you should follow to help ensure your HVAC or air conditioning unit is safe and in proper working condition:
Check for Signs of Flooding or Sitting Water
Water that has been sitting on your air conditioning unit can affect the electrical components in your air conditioning or HVAC unit. As such, following a storm, look for signs that there may have been flooding or water sitting against the unit. This may be mud or dirt lines or even the presence of existing water. If you suspect there was flooding or your AC unit sat in standing water, disconnect the unit from its power source and call an air conditioning repair company. Do not attempt to turn the unit on, as you can cause substantial and permanent damage if water is still sitting or the unit has been damaged by water.
Inspect Your Unit
Following a storm, take the time to thoroughly inspect as much of your unit as you can. Typically, you may only get a good look at the exterior. However, if you notice any dings, dents or pieces of metal separating, you want to have your unit repaired. These dings, dents, and areas of separation can impact the efficiency of your unit, let dust in or lead to rust. Additionally, if you are able to look, look at the fan blades in the unit. Occasionally, rocks and sticks can fly into your unit, hitting these blades. If you notice they are bent, they need to be replaced.
Run the Air Conditioner
Lastly, if everything appears to look all right with your air conditioning or HVAC unit, run it for a little bit. If it is cold, consider running the unit on the fan setting, rather than the cooling setting. Running the unit allows you to determine if it is working correctly and helps to remove any debris, such as mold spores, that may be sitting on the filter. If you hear any strange noises when you turn the unit on, such as squealing or grinding, shut it off and call an AC repair company.
If your HVAC or air conditioner has signs of damage after a storm, you will want to call in an air conditioning repair company as soon as possible. They can help to repair the damage, while also helping to prevent further problems from developing.
Contact a company like Weather Control Air Conditioning, Inc. for more information and assistance.