How To Allergy-Proof Your Home
You don't have to spend time outdoors to suffer from allergies -- they often find their way into home interiors. Here's how to make sure that you and other household residents are as protected as possible from the adverse effects of various allergens such as pollen, mold, mildew, and household dust:
Go Carpetless
Wall-to-wall carpets are magnets for allergens of all kinds. Pet dander, dust, pollen, and mold and mildew colonies all find a welcoming home in their fibers -- and once established, removing them can be extremely difficult. Hardwood, tile, ceramic, or linoleum flooring are all easily cleaned and don't provide habitat for various allergens. Use washable throw rugs for warmth and visual accents.
Air Conditioning
Many allergens access the home interior via open windows and doors when homeowners want a cooling breeze during hot summer days. Airborne allergens such as pollen can often fit through even the most tightly meshed screens. A good air conditioning system will keep your home interior cool so that you won't be tempted to open windows and doors. For an extra layer of protection, you can place a piece of cheesecloth over the vents to trap any stray pollen.
Using HEPA air conditioning filters and having your air ducts cleaned out on a regular basis will also help to keep household allergen levels as low as possible.
Use a Dehumidifier
Using a dehumidifier can help ensure that mold and mildew colonies don't gain a foothold in your home environment. Fungal organisms thrive when atmospheric humidity levels are high, so don't give them a chance to even get started. If you are going to be replacing your existing air conditioning unit in the near future, you may wish to explore the possibility of opting for a new system that contains a built-in dehumidifier.
Wage War on Dust
Keeping dust down is an important part of maintaining an allergy free home environment. Make sure to dust household surfaces on a regular basis, and don't use fans because they can distribute dust. Don't bother with a feather duster -- they'll just stir up the dust. Use a microfiber cloth and a product designed specifically for household dusting to ensure that the dust is actually removed from household surfaces instead of just moved around. Please reach out to your local air conditioning service provider for more helpful tips and tricks on maintaining the best possible quality of air in your indoor living environment.
Contact an air conditioner repair service for more information and assistance.