Talking About Residential HVAC Equipment

Has your furnace stopped working suddenly? Learn more about how to get your furnace fixed and how to prevent future issues.

Ductless Split AC Systems: A Good Complement To Boiler-Style Heating

25 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

One downfall of boiler-style heating is that it's not so easy to integrate an air conditioner with your system. You can't just install an AC unit and send the cool air through the existing ducts like you can in a home with a forced-air system. Many people with boiler heating turn to window AC units to keep their homes bearable in the summer, but lugging them in and out of the windows is a real hassle – and can even prove dangerous if you drop an air conditioner or it falls on someone below. Read More …

Using Your Central Air Conditioning Correctly

25 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Running your central air conditioner in the summertime can cost you a lot of money on your electric bill if you aren't careful. However, you can save yourself quite a bit of money by putting some effort into helping the air along. The more you do to cut out on leaks, the less expensive your cooling bills will be. You may have some questions regarding how you can achieve this, and reading the information provided here will help you out with the answers you need. Read More …

4 Signs That You Need To Have Your Air Conditioner Repaired

25 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Summer is right around the corner, and if you live in a hot climate, you most likely rely on your air conditioner often to keep your home cool and comfortable. The last thing you want during the summer is for your air conditioning to cease working, so it is important to keep your air conditioner in good repair. Luckily, air conditioners usually give signs that there are problems before they fail. Read More …

Clean Your Portable Air Conditioning Unit’s Internal Components And Eliminate Rust Spots

25 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If the air flow emitted from your portable air conditioning unit's vents feels weak and it is taking much longer than usual to cool the inside of your home, resolve the problem by cleaning the internal components of the unit with the following steps. Eliminate rust spots from the metal pieces that make up the interior, as well. Once you have finished, enjoy the cool air that the unit provides and keep the machine's interior maintained so that you do not encounter problems with airflow or rust again. Read More …

How To Maintain A Portable Air Conditioner

25 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Like all household appliances, portable air conditioners need to be regularly maintained to ensure that they continue to operate properly and efficiently. Thankfully, there are a number of fairly simple things that you can do and look out for to ensure that your portable air conditioner will continue to work as it should for as long as possible. Positioning Where your portable air conditioner is located is essential to its proper operation. Read More …